Join us every Sunday at 10 AM for worship in our beautiful sanctuary.
We welcome and encourage you to show up exactly as you are, in a way that feels comfortable for you.
We're glad you're here!
Our worship services are traditional, but our thinking is not.
We sing traditional hymns with our chancel choir and organ, but our message is relevant and inclusive. Our services include congregational singing, liturgy and prayers, anthems by our choir and soloists, and sermons by our ministers. You are welcome to attend as you are. Some who attend prefer to dress up in suits and dresses, while others prefer to dress down in T-shirts, jeans, and shorts.
Once a month in September through June, we have Family Sundays. On these special days, our ministers offer a special message to children at the front of the sanctuary. Our youth serve as ushers and scripture readers. Our children’s choir and children and youth handbell choir offer special music.

Sunday school classes for kids (ages 3 - 5th grade) and youth (6th - 12th grades) begin at 10:15. Kids are dismissed for class after the announcements during worship.
We offer Communion quarterly, and we believe that absolutely everyone is welcome at Christ's table.
No one is excluded.
The best part of Sunday? There’s always coffee and snacks in the Parish Hall following the service. Meet a new friend, and discover the warmth and welcome of our church community.